In light of the resumption of inbound tourism in the touristic coastal cities as of Wednesday, July 1st, the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities has developed the hot-line service 19654, as a service for tourists to answer their inquires during their stay in Egypt, within the precautionary measures and hygiene safety regulations issued by the ministry in compliance with the international requirements.
In addition to this, the hot-line has since its inauguration been receiving complaints and suggestions of the sector’s employees.
Dr. Ghada Shalaby, Deputy of the Minister of Tourism and Antiquities, stated that the hot-line is prepared to receive all tourists’ inquiries, which include questions about operating hours for archaeological sites and touristic areas that are open for visits. She added that the hot-line service, available both in Arabic and English, operates seven days a week and on official holidays, from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. The caller's personal information, questions, suggestions, and responses to their inquiries shall all be recorded, and all issues shall be resolved through the hot-line.
The hot-line service shall allow for a quicker and more efficient method of communicating with tourists, in an effort to assure their comfort throughout their stay in Egypt.