H.E Minister of Antiquities Dr. Khaled Al-Anani visited the Museum of Antiquities in the City of Culture and Arts in the new administrative capital, in order to receive updates on the latest developments, since many operations had already been completed.
H.E the Minister was accompanied by Mustafa Waziri, Secretary General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, Brigadier Hisham Samir, Assistant Minister for Engineering Affairs, Mr. Ahmed Obaid, Assistant Minister for Technical Affairs, Eng. Wa'd Allah Abul-Ela, Head of Projects Sector, and a number of the Ministry’s leaders.
Abu Al-Ela said that all construction work has been completed, and the lighting system installation is currently in progress.
The tour included a visit to the museum, which consists of a single floor that houses a large exhibition hall displaying a collection of artifacts, including a huge statue of King Ramses II, and an annex hall that includes the walls of the Tutu cemetery, which was located in Diabat district of Sohag, and was found in 2018 during the arrest of one of the The gangs while trying to surreptitiously dig in the area outside the archaeological hill in the Diabat region. The Ministry of Antiquities then carried out archaeological and scientific excavations through an Egyptian archaeological mission, the result of which was the discovery of a cemetery containing human remains.
During the tour, the scenario of the museum display and the objects that were to be transported were discussed, so as to enrich the museum exhibit. The museum will narrate the history of the Egyptian capitals, starting from Memphis, Thebes, and Minya, to Alexandria during the Greco-Roman period, and Fustat during Fatimid and Ottoman Cairo. Also, a list will be allocated to each of the administrative capitals, to highlight the administrative aspects, including seals, letters, coinage, along with displaying currencies that show the beginning and end of the rule for each period. These artifacts will reflect the wealth of history Civilized and cultural Egypt.
It is worth noting that during last August, a cooperation protocol was signed between the Supreme Council of Antiquities and Diamond Group to establish a new museum in the City of Arts and Culture in the new administrative capital, and this protocol is one of the aspects of cooperation and partnership with the government sector to develop and operate the services of visitors in archaeological sites and museums.