Today we take you on a very special virtual tour in the famous Muhammad Ali Mosque, standing proudly on the highest point inside the Citadel of Saladin's courtyard
The mosque was established by Muhammad Ali Pasha who assumed the throne of Egypt in 1219 AH/ 1809 AD, through popular support. He died of a fatal illness on the 13th of Ramadan, 1265 AD/ August 2nd, 1849 AD, at the age of 81, and according to his will, he was buried in his mosque.
Muhammad Ali Pasha put the Turkish architect, Yusuf Bushnaq, in charge of designing the mosque. His choice fell on the mosque of Sultan Ahmad in Astana (Nur-Sultan),
The building project officially began in 1246 AH/ 1830 AD, and construction continued until Muhammad Ali’s death in 1265 AH/ 1848 AD. Abbas Pasha finished the mosque when he ascended the throne in 1264 AH/ 1848 AD. This monumental mosque was carefully looked after by the predecessors of Mohamed Ali Pasha; Ismail Pasha, Tawfik Pasha and King Fou’ad.