The Tomb of Baqet III

The Tomb of Baqet III

This tomb belongs to Baqet III, the son of Remushen, both of whom were nomarchs (governors) of the 16th Upper Egyptian nome, known as the Oryx nome, (c.2055–1956 BC) in the Middle Kingdom. It consists of a forecourt leading to the tomb which gives access to the chapel. There, a small shrine was added in the south-eastern corner (at the far end, on the right), with a false door carved on its west wall and an offering platform in front of it.

The walls of the tomb, like those of others tombs at Beni Hasan, have a decorative frieze at the top, which the ancient Egyptians called a kheker. As is standard for tombs in the upper cemetery at Beni Hasan, the north wall (the one left of the entrance) depicts scenes of hunting in the desert. This same wall, as in the tomb of Khety, depicts scenes of everyday life: here, barbers, sandal makers, goldsmiths, spinners, and weavers can all be seen, in addition to a scene showing tax collection, in which defaulters are being brought by force before a scribe. Also interesting is the lowest register which, alongside fishing, depicts different species of fish and flying creatures, mostly birds, but bats, too. More animals can be seen on the south wall, where a cat is facing a mouse, and below them, accompanied by a male monkey, a female monkey is carrying a young monkey on her back. Two baboons can also be seen next to the monkeys. The east wall of the tomb depicts a battle and a besieged fortress, and 220 pairs of wrestlers. In each pair, one wrestler is painted red and the other dark brown, so that the interaction between the two men can be seen clearly.










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